Multi-Center, Clinical Data Collection

What YOU NEED in a Patient Registry Software System.

ClinicalPURSUIT is a web-based, HIPAA compliant, interactive database. The system allows for rapid clinical data collection from multiple locations and stake-holders, including private practices, academic centers, hospitals and other health-related organizations and medical centers.

If your research goal involves several centers across the country or internationally, let ClinicalPURSUIT serve as your research foundation.  The system’s flexibility allows for many centers to work in the system simultaneously, and the system’s security to help keep all of the data safe and segregated.

RAPID, Collaborative Clinical Data Collection

With a web-based collection tool - anyone with the proper credentials can login, from anywhere with a computer, Internet connection, secure userid and password. For a retrospective study, multiple stake-holders can be entering data simultaneously, 24X7.

Quickly Grow Your Database

As your data pours in from multiple locations, your database will grow exponentially - getting you the information you need, faster than ever before. The net result is your research timelines are dramatically cut by 50% or more.

Security Roles

The security is such that each site follows a permission-based data entry and data export process. Each site is assigned an administrator role and data entry role and each have different permissions and security levels. As an administrator, you decide which screens can be seen by the data entry personnel at your site.

Time Allocation

While entering data into ClinicalPURSUIT maybe easy, finding the time to actually pull your patient charts and sit down to the enter the data may not be. Our web-based system keeps the data entry process FLEXIBLE, as data can be entered at any time, as your schedule allows.

Want to See a Demo?

ClinicalPURSUIT is different from traditional patient registry solutions. Because ClinicalPURSUIT is web-based and custom tailored to follow your workflow, it helps you expertly collect data on a patient population faster-so you can help your patients FASTER.